The First Step to a Fresh Start
Are you considering bankruptcy as an option, but you're not sure where to begin? This page will guide you through many of the common questions we receive here at Podis & Podis.
In our years of practice, we have helped a wide variety of individuals through their own unique situations. Do any of the scenarios below apply to you? If so, click on any relevant topic for more information.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to wipe out debt and give you a fresh financial start. It stops collection activity and wipes out unsecured debt. In addition, it stops foreclosure and repossessions, and it allows you to return cars and houses without owing a deficiency balance. Click here to learn more about Chapter 7, and contact us to see if bankruptcy is the right solution for you.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy stops foreclosures, repossessions, and wage garnishments and gives you a chance to repay debts while under the protection of the Bankruptcy Court. Chapter 13 plans often offer a repayment plan that is less than a debt consolidation plan offered by most credit counseling agencies. To learn more about Chapter 13, click here. You can also contact us with questions.

The Podis Papers Blog
In our blog, The Podis Papers, we share a wealth of knowledge about bankruptcy and explore many of the common questions we receive from our clients. If you would like to know more about bankruptcy, our blog is a great place to start.
Schedule A Free Consultation
At our office, your initial consultation is free! Together, we look at your circumstances and discuss the options that will help put you on the road to recovery. When you arrive at our office, we ask that you bring with you:
- A photo id
- A social security card
- A list of the debts you owe
This allows us to best assist you in determining which option is the best for you! In meeting with a member of our knowledgeable staff, we will assist you in determining whether bankruptcy is the right option and if it is, whether a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 will best assist you. Make an appointment today to determine if filing is the best option for you!