Clarksville Bankruptcy

Clarksville Bankruptcy Office Info

1064 South Riverside Drive Street Suite A
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040

Phone: (931) 401-1711

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy allows you to wipe out debts for a fresh start. Chapter 7 wipes out a lot of different kinds of debts. You can often keep your car or house depending on the value.  You need to be current on these payments to keep them.

You must qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy by being under the Means Test. The Means Test looks at your income, household size and determines if you qualify for Chapter 7.  The U.S. Department of Justice changes the qualifying amounts quarterly.  For April 2022, one in household $53,188; two in household $66,989; three in household $75,394; four in household $91,069. We must provide the Trustee and U.S. Trustee a copy of your last 6 months of Pay stubs, Bank Statements and past 4 years Tax Returns.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy helps you stop foreclosure, garnishment and repossessions. You can pay your credit cards, payday loans, house and car payment in the Chapter 13. Chapter 13 is sometimes called the wage earner plan. You must have regular income to file. Regular income can be a paycheck or retirement income such as Social Security or VA benefits.

Call today and let us walk you through your bankruptcy options! Call 615-399-3800 to get started today!

Clarksville Bankruptcy Law Office of Podis and Podis

Mark & CYnthia Podis

Clarksville Bankruptcy Lawyers


Chapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to wipe out debt and give you a fresh financial start. It stops collection activity and wipes out unsecured debt. In addition, it stops foreclosure and repossessions, and it allows you to return cars and houses without owing a deficiency balance. Click here to learn more about Chapter 7, and contact us to see if bankruptcy is the right solution for you.


Chapter 13 bankruptcy stops foreclosures, repossessions, and wage garnishments and gives you a chance to repay debts while under the protection of the Bankruptcy Court. Chapter 13 plans often offer a repayment plan that is less than a debt consolidation plan offered by most credit counseling agencies. To learn more about Chapter 13, click here. You can also contact us with questions.

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