A Bankruptcy Attorney’s Job

By Cynthia Podis

           As a bankruptcy attorney, I walk clients through the bankruptcy process.  I go over the difference between Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.  I make sure we ask all the questions in the bankruptcy petition (the legal paperwork filed with the court).  I review the questions you should expect at your Meeting of Creditors (your court date).

I make sure clients know what will and will not be solved by filing a bankruptcy.  I explain non-dischargeable debts like student loans, child support and alimony and most taxes.

It is my job to make sure my clients understand how important it is to tell us everything you owe, everything you own, lawsuits you can file, inheritances or other potential assets you have pending.  I cannot help my client choose to file a bankruptcy or not if there are assets I do not know about.

Sometimes a client has an asset they are willing to give up to get the relief of a chapter 7 discharge.  Sometimes a client wants to file a chapter 13 to protect the asset and make repayment to the unsecured creditors.  I explain to them how it works when you surrender something in bankruptcy.

It is my job to make sure a client wants or needs a bankruptcy.  Sometimes we are not the right fit for what the client wants to accomplish.  If they have a business with employees, I send them to an attorney that does that type of bankruptcy – either a business Chapter 7 or a Chapter 11.

I represent my clients at the Meeting of Creditors (the court date).    I meet them at court early and go over what to expect from the Trustee.  I sit with my client when they give their testimony.  I meet with them after their testimony if they have more questions.

I go over Reaffirmation Agreements with clients and discuss the pros and cons of the agreement.  I try to help my client make the best decision.

I make sure my clients pay their filing fee.

  • Pull a Credit Report and give you a copy to review (same day Credit Report)
  • Assist you in the office to obtain certificates to get into and out of bankruptcy
  • Fill out bankruptcy forms for you with your assistance and information
  • I file motion to:  Avoid Liens on Personal Property , Redeem Personal Property and file Complaints to Determine Tax Liability to the IRS

After the Discharge is entered, I meet with clients to go over how to get back on track with their finances.  I have written a book that I give clients with a step by step guide on how to budget and be sure not to need our office again!


For more information visit www.BankruptcyNashville.com

To schedule a free appointment with us call: 615-399-3800

Podis and Podis, 102 Woodmont Blvd Suite 200, Nashville TN 37205

We are a debt relief agency.  We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.

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