Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy during the covid 19 / coronavirus months

Attorneys are considered an essential service. We are open in both of our offices. We have been working limited hours (8 am to 4:30 pm). We are working hard to keep our offices disinfected by wiping down surfaces between seeing clients. We offer phone and zoom appointments, too.

Our court appearances have been by phone conference call or Zoom video conference. You can attend your Meeting of Creditors via Zoom or Phone conference from your home or work. For Chapter 13 Meeting of Creditors, you can watch the Trustee’s speech and the Discharge Video by clicking this link

We have been working remotely for the past 16 years using encrypted software, so that part has been easy for us!

We have been concerned about our clients being laid off or having reduced hours at work due to health and safety concerns! We have offered suspension motions to stop payments to Chapter 13 Plans for 60 days to relieve some of the stress.

Please understand your 401k and IRA’s are fully protected when they came from your income! (Not inherited or the result of a divorce property settlement) So before you borrow from your retirement, please look at Bankruptcy Options!

General Sessions Civil Courts remain closed through May 31, 2020, by Order of the Tennessee Supreme Court. When they re-open there will be a back log of cases, especially evictions. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can keep you in your apartment through the end of your lease and catch up payments over time if filed before a judgment is entered. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can wipe out the balance on the lease or a judgment.

By Cynthia Podis, Bankruptcy Lawyer

Podis and Podis has 2 offices serving Middle Tennessee. Nashville and Clarksville. To schedule a free appointment please call 1-615-399-3800

Cynthia Podis Bankruptcy Lawyer

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes and is not legal advice. If you would like legal advice, please call our office and schedule an appointment.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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