Please be aware the Bankruptcy Meeting of Creditors for the week of March 16 through 20 will be held via video chat at your attorney’s offices. For our clients, please come to the 1161 Murfreesboro Pike Office for the Meetings scheduled for Nashville. We will try to keep you updated through this website, our facebook pages and the Bankruptcy Court site at . The Chapter 13 Motion Dockets for Wednesday, March 18 (Nashville), Thursday March 19 (Cookeville) and Friday, March 20 (Columbia)

All hearings will be conducted telephonically.  There will also be announcements and updates on the Court website.  You need to make a habit of checking the web site every day or so to keep up with any changes.

For Chapter 13 clients who have been unable to work or are with out pay to fund your Chapter 13 Plan. We are working through a volume of phone calls. There are limited options of suspending payments in to the plan or attempting to lower the payments. Or simply missing payments until the government allows full time employment and trying to catch up later (this may be a last chance option). We expect the Chapter 13 Trustee to file Motions to Dismiss cases with missed payments but will be prepared to argue these with the judge on a case by case basis.

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